This calendar shows a selection of available appointments. There may be additional times available that aren’t viewable online, for example, those less than 24 hours ahead. Please call/text the office for most up-to-date information if you can’t find an appointment that fits your schedule. Thank you!

Dr. Fearn has a diverse healthcare background to draw from when helping you at Elevated Chiropractic. His experience covers academic research as well as clinical knowledge from life-and-death emergency cases to routine wellness care, and almost everything in between. He is an expert at blending theoretical knowledge with clinical pearls and real-world lessons to give patients outstanding results.


Dr. Fearn has worked in multidisciplinary personal injury clinics, alongside medical doctors and physical therapists, ensuring that he is knowledgeable about the full array of treatment modalities. He has also worked at clinics which offer wellness and maintenance style chiropractic care, chiropractic neurology, Applied Kinesiology, and sports and rehab focused care.

Previous EMT work in both hospital emergency department and 911-system ambulance for direct patient care of critically sick and injured patients, including mass casualty incidents, mountain and ski area rescue, support for police, fire and SWAT teams, and large event medical standby.


-‘Our Broomfield’ magazine, 2022 and 2023 “Best Chiropractic”

-Honorable Mention: Daily Camera’s ‘2021 Broomfield County Gold - Best Chiropractor’

-Awarded Phi Theta Kappa, international honor society

-Dean’s List, Northwestern Health Sciences University

-Part of crew earning an Official Commendation from the Chief of Fire for efforts involving the evacuation of residents during large apartment fire

-Featured while on-duty as an EMT in the documentary film Hazed, responding to emergency system medical calls

-Earned title of Field Instructor due to excellence of field work

Dr. Fearn has a diverse healthcare background to draw from when helping you at Elevated Chiroprac... Read More

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Located at: 925 Main St, Ste A, Broomfield
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